Informative page about the use of cookies

Here our remarks about the use of cookies on this site

Use of cookies

Content on this page is for all users of our website. Its main objective is to inform all visitors to the use of cookies can be made on our website. It also aims to provide educational explanations about the value and uses cookies.

When your user notresite, information about the navigation of your device (smartphone, tablet, computer, etc.) may be stored in "cookies" files installed on your terminal.Afin of utility and mieuxcomprendre the use of cookies, please take note of the statements below.

What thata cookie ?

The National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL) defines the cookie as an information filed on the hard drive of a user by the server site he visits. It contains several data: the name of the server that has filed an identifier as a single number, possibly an expiration date. This information is often stored on the computer in a simple text file which a server accesses to read and record information.

What is the role of a cookie ?

Cookies have different roles according to their nature, their purpose can be quite varied. The very nature of a cookie will depend on its impact on privacy. Two broad categories of cookies can be distinguished:

Cookies whose exclusive purpose of enabling or facilitating electronic communication or as strictly necessary for the provision of a communication service to your specific request. These cookies can be legally registered without your consent because they do not constitute a risk to your privacy. Their main interest to allow you to use all features of our website.

Other cookies whose aims can be very varied: advertising statistics, share (s) on social networks, etc. These cookies are subject to your consent before being deposited on your device.

What cookies are used on our site ?
Our site uses cookies different families as detailed below. 
Cookies are grouped by type aims to help you understand their roles.
1) Technicals indispensables cookies
These cookies have two main purposes : allow or facilitate electronic communication;
be necessary for the provision of a communication service online at the express request of the user.
These cookies are essential to the functioning of our site. 
They allow us to offer essential services such as access to your account or proper operation
of your shopping cart.
2) Functional Technical cookies
These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of services of our site. 
However, their main role is to provide enhanced services such as customizing our content.
Our site uses this type of cookie to store your preference navigation mobile or classic site,
memorize the language of the site that you have previously selected,
or store your preferences visual display.
3) Statistics cookies
Our statistics cookies fulfill different roles and allow us in particular to know the traffic on our website,
which pages were most visited, and the origin of our visitors.
These cookies main objective to allow us to improve our content to make it as relevant as possible for
our visitors.
As part of obtaining these statistics, visitors IP address is collected to determine the city from 
which visitors connect.
We use this day to Google Analytics Statistical System and cookies are associated with it.
4) Sharing cookies
Our sharing cookies allow you, when this feature is present on the pages of our website, 
share our content on major social networks.
When using these sharing buttons, third cookie is installed by the social network in question :
we invite you to consult the privacy policies to own each of these social networks to find out their exact
nature. If you are connected to the social network during your visit to our site,
the sharing buttons are used to connect the contents consulted with your User account.
5) Targeted advertising cookies
Cookies are placed by advertising agencies who partner with our site. 
These cookies are used mainly to offer you the most adapted to your centers of interest
based on multiple criteria advertisements (browsing habits, the content of the pages you visit, etc.).

To control your use of cookies

You may refuse the use of cookies. 
This refusal will result in the deletion of some of the features listed above. We explain below how.

1) Configuration of your browser
You have the option to set your cookies directly from your web browser. 
All the websites you visit will be impacted by these manipulations.
For Internet Explorer:
open Desk, press or click the Internet Explorer icon in the taskbar;
Press or click the Tools button, and then tap or click Internet Options;
tap or click the Privacy tab, and then under Settings, move the slider up to block all cookies, 
and then tap or click OK.
More information about 
For Google Chrome : 
click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar;
select Settings;
click Show advanced settings;
in the "Privacy" section, click the Settings button content;
in the "Cookies" section, you can change the settings of your cookies including block, delete, etc.
More information about https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=fr&hlrm=en
For Mozilla Firefox:
click the menu button and select Options;
Select the Privacy panel;
check Accept cookies from sites to enable cookies, or uncheck it to disable them.
More information here
For Opera:
go to Preferences> Advanced> Cookies;
cookie preferences let you control the way Opera handles cookies. 
The default setting is to accept all cookies.
Select one of the settings according to your choice:
Accept cookies All cookies are accepted (default)
Accept only those of the visited site of third party cookies, 
for a domain outside the one I visit, are refused
Never accept cookies All cookies are refused
More information about 

2) Use of the site Youronlinechoices
Professional digital advertising grouped within the EDAA (European Digital Advertising Alliance) 
provide a website accessible to all Internet users and allowing them to control targeted advertising
cookies in the form of acceptance or rejection.
It is thus possible to control and specify preferences in terms of advertising cookies.
Hundreds of companies are partners in this initiative. The site offers also a full explanation of cookies.
More information about http://www.youronlinechoices.com/fr/controler-ses-cookies/

For further …
It might be better to have more information about cookies on 
the site of the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL).
The CNIL indeed offers educational fact sheets to the attention of Internet users.

More information about http://www.cnil.fr/vos-droits/vos-traces/les-cookies/

Når du klikker rundt på denne website, accepterer du brugen af cookies med henblik på at indsamle informationer til statistiske formål, at tilbyde dig tjenester og tilbud som svarer til dine interesser, at tilbyde dig deletjenester og optimere brugeroplevelsen af websitet. Klik her for at få mere at vide om beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger og indstillinger af din browser.